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Isles de Saintes and Guadeloupe
The short trip between Dominica and the Isles de Saintes, which lie midway between Dominica and Guadeloupe, was a motoring job – for once – and allowed us to arrive with full water tanks and batteries fully charged.  The Saintes are beautiful but we were only treated to a one night stop as they are exposed and the weather was not settled.

We had a good sail to Guadeloupe, a very French island, looking on a map much like a butterfly with spread wings.  Here it rained a lot and the boys were unwell with a tummy bug.  Long overdue haircuts were administered to the males!  We hired a car to explore the interior of the island, much of which is beautiful rain forest.
One of the highlights of our stay in Guadeloupe was the trip up the Riviere Sallee, the shallow mangrove lined river that divides the two halves of the island.  The road bridges lift once daily – at 0500!  The trip between the two bridges takes place in total darkness; the remainder of the trip can be done at much more sociable hour.

We will be visiting the prettier anchorages in Guadeloupe and the Saintes on our way back down the chain – more photos then!
Date(s): March 2006. Album by Gerard Coulson. Photos by Gerard Coulson. 1 - 31 of 31 Total. 4147 Visits.
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Arriving off the Saintes

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The Saintes

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The Saintes 2

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Local flora and fauna

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some bird

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I'm two TODAY!

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Guadeloupe 05

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Guadeloupe 06

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Rebecca's birthday party

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The Saintes and Guadeloupe 14

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The Saintes and Guadeloupe 15

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The Saintes and Guadeloupe 17

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Her new home made dolly

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The Saintes and Guadeloupe 19

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Dutch friends

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The Saintes and Guadeloupe 22

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R with Jonty's card

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and Tom's card

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Swimming in a very secluded water hole in the mountains

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skinny dipping!

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Guadeloupe 16

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Guadeloupe 18

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in the rainforest

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Our umbrellas!

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Under a banana tree

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Guadeloupe 24

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The Riviere sallee

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The Saintes and Guadeloupe 28

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The Saintes and Guadeloupe 29

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At anchor amongst the reefs

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