From San Cristobal we motored, nursing a failing water pump on the engine, to Santa Cruz, the main centre in the islands. Here we have divided our time between walking to local beaches across arid, cactus strewn landscapes and trying to arrange for the shipment and fitting of water pump parts. We’ve also seen tortoises in the wild here and been underground in lava tubes, tunnels formed by lava from the volcanoes that have formed these islands. From here we move to the very tranquil island of Isabela. Here, whilst not helping boats that have dragged onto the beach, we took a horseback trip up a volcano that erupted in the late 70’s to see tremendous lavascapes and more locally to the anchorage we saw the endemic penguins and some white-tip sharks. Isabela was a beautiful, peaceful place from which to prepare for our Pacific crossing, but we left the Galapagos with very happy memories of these very special wildlife-rich islands.
Date(s): May 2007. Album by Gerard Coulson. Photos by Gerard Coulson. 1 - 57 of 57 Total. 11485 Visits.
A Galapagoes penguin swims by!
Galapagos 2 07
Galapagos 2 08
Penguins haul-out
Galapagos 2 13
Galapagos 2 14
Galapagos 2 15
We go ashore to walk a trail
Galapagos 2 21
Galapagos 2 22
Walking on the lava - it's razor sharp and hell on feet and shoes
A unique scape
Marine Iguanas, not very shy
Eric and Jenitya look at the sharks in the lagoon
A white-tip reef shark
Galapagos 2 40
A Sally-Ligtfoot crab, they jump!
Sealions asleep on the beach
Merlijn carries Rebecca
Galapagos 2 54
Galapagos 2 55
A bull sealion lords it over the beach
Galapagos 2 60
Galapagos 2 65
Big fatties!
Galapagos 2 71
Galapagos 2 72
Ernst, Merlijn and Trstan from the back!
The kids and Merlijn
Galapagos 2 77
Galapagos 2 78
Galapagos 2 79
On Isla Isabela
Good friends
We go ashore for lunch
Flamingos spotted
Galapagos 2 05
A baby giant tortoise!
Galapagos 2 07 1
It leaked!
Jonty having a run
Monca and Beccy on horseback as we go up a volcano, Sierra Negra
Our group
Lots of kids!
The side of the volcano
The boys crawl through a lava tube
Looking over the volcano to the other side of the island