Our trip from mainland Ecuador to the Galapagos islands was beset by little wind, and we had to motor for 2½ days of the 5 that we were at sea to cover the 600 miles to these remote, amazing islands. Yachts are generally not encouraged to stay and are usually only granted permission to stay 10 days or so on one island only. Having hired an agent through whom we arranged a cruising permit we enjoy more freedom and have visited the three main islands. San Cristobal, our first island, had a beautiful calm anchorage with hundreds of sea-lions swimming around, and lounging around on the decks of the local fishing boats. On this island we took a tour to see some of the famous Galapagos tortoises in a nature reserve and some marine iguanas on a local beach. We also took a boat trip to the west side of the island where, whilst diving and snorkelling we swam with sharks and rays, and later swam with a huge turtle and a very playful and inquisitive group of sea-lions who would swim right up to you, blow a jet of bubbles and race off!
Date(s): April and May 2007. Album by Gerard Coulson. Photos by Gerard Coulson. 1 - 95 of 95 Total. 15709 Visits.
Uncomfortably diagnosing a failing water pump on the engine
Overlooking San Cristobal Anchorage in the Galapagos
Blackberry Picking!
Galapagos 1 04
Our first Galapagos tortoise
Galapagos 1 06
They are not small!
Cooling off
Galapagos 1 09
The kids in our 'taxi'
On the side of an old volcano
Frigate birds take a dip and clean their wings
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Galapagos 1 15
Dad with kids
On tour!
These chaps have stopped their lorry to pick oranges!
A lava lizard
Marine Iguanas
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Sealions swimming alongside Clarabella
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On Playo Mann beach with the sealions
Playing on some of the islands WWII defences
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With Charles Darwin!
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The entrance to San Cristobal
The anchorage
Male Frigate birds in mating plumage
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We go to Leon Dormido for a day of snorkelling and diving
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Leon Dormido
We dive in this gap with sharks, rays and turtles
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Getting ready
One giant leap...
All OK
I don't want to wear this!
Happier now!
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Frigate bird in flight
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Galapagos 1 53
This sealion was taunting the birds with the fish in his mouth
M on the dinghy dock
The kids looking at the locals
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Youngsters all round
We have a visitor
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She's quite relaxed!
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Beccy looks on
Playo Mann
The town of San Cristobal
Looking astern to Myrdinn
En route to Santa Cruz the mist comes down
This chap is a wild tortoise
Totally unconcerned by the boys
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He makes short work of a Guava fruit
Darwin Finch
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This big old chap is over 120 years old
Into the lava tunnels
and coming out again!
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Relief all round!
A Scalcia tree, found only in the Galapagos
A colourful cricket
A marine iguana swims across the anchorage on Santa Cruz