After we celebrated Rebcca’s 3rd birthday in Panama we spent a week cruising the Las Perlas islands south of Panama before leaving for the 600 mile journey to mainland Ecuador. En route we celebrated crossing the Equator, having woken all three kids at 2300, with bubbly and chocolate brownie! The trip was uneventful and quiet, a pleasant change after the western Caribbean, and we made landfall at Las Platas island, a bird sanctuary off the Ecuadorian coast.
We hauled Clarabella at the Puerto Lucia Yacht Club on the mainland, where we anitfouled and had the rudder withdrawn for maintenance. The exclusive yacht club, where we enjoyed free use of the pools and facilities, was a good place to leave the boat to travel inland.
Date(s): March 2007. Album by Gerard Coulson. Photos by Gerard Coulson. 1 - 31 of 31 Total. 10037 Visits.