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About Me
Date(s): October 5, 2009. Album by Anita Morin. 1 - 7 of 7 Total. 2008 Visits.
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Anita Morin 2011

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Me on Boxing Day 2010.

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Anita's Favourite Foam brush set by Dynasty

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Designer Spotlight for the E-zine online magazine, Toletown.

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Shipping Information.

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I was introduced to decorative painting in the summer of 1997. I have taught myself different painting techniques throughout the years using such methods and materials as magazines, the internet and a whole lot of practice. I went from painting non stop at the kitchen counter to now needing a working station to store my various supplies and needing a necessary area to paint. In 2004 I took painting classes with Sue Beckerton and I learned a lot of new techniques and skills. Sue encouraged me to start designing my own paintings.I have been a published artist since 2006 and you can find some of my work in the Create and Decorate, Quick & Easy and Coup de Pinceau magazines. I haven’t adapted to any specific style, but rather a variety and mixture of what I have taught myself.  The Holiday Season, especially Christmas Day is my favorite time of year.

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