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How To Read Manga For The First Time? 5 Rules To Follow

You're not the only person having issues with the first manga you've read. For new readers of manga, the story may seem "backward" and it may be difficult to locate the right text bubble or where to go next. This How to Read Manga guide has everything you need to know. Continue reading!

5 Tips To Remember When You Read A Manga for the first time!

1. Read The Manga Right To Left

Contrary to the American left-to-right style of reading, Japanese Manga is meant to be read from left to left! Each page contains its own manga art, and must be read in the same way , from right to left. Whether you desire special info about Manga, look at here.

The sudden change in your reading style may feel strange at first and slow down your reading. After some Manga reads, you will find it no any different.

If your eyes are at the top of the page, you may move them to the right to read the next row.

2. Begin the Manga on the Back Side

It's weird, but it's the way it works. Since the "back" of the manga is actually the front cover.

Japanese manga differs in comparison to American manga, in which you begin to read a manga from the beginning.

Begin reading manga starting from the back, and then move to the top of the page.

3. Each page should be read vertically , from top to bottom

We read everything horizontally, as is the norm when reading manga.

It doesn't matter if it's Japanese manga or an English-translated manga. It's important to shift your eye from the upper to lower.

4. Read Speech Bubbles In the Same Way

Mangas should be read from top to bottom as previously mentioned. This is the same for to word bubbles and speech bubbles.

When reading the dialogue bubble, you should read it from the top of the page in a right to left direction. The same pattern should be used for all dialogue bubbles.

5. Click Here to View Panels in the Right-to-Left Direction.

In the case of manga panels, the right-to left direction rule is followed in this case, even if the panels are placed vertically or side-by-side.

Manga with both interior and outside panels are created to not disrupt the flow of the story , and keep the reader interested.

Follow these five manga reading guidelines and you will master the art of learning to read manga!

What are Manga Panels and How to Read Them?

On a manga page, the frame that surrounds a particular moment in time is known as a manga panel.

It frames a single drawing or illustration. Sometimes, it includes speech bubbles to give the art work an evocative voice.

There are a variety of kinds of manga panels, the mangaka chooses the one that best conveys the emotions and feelings at the time.

To name a few these, the following are common types of manga panels that you will find in Japanese mangas and comics all around the world.

The most well-known kind of Manga panel the classic four-panel used when a mangaka wants to split a whole page into four equal halves.

You can arrange four identical panels on top or divide the page into four equal quadrants.
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