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Escalante Canyon - Utah
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Escalante Canyon - Utah
March 2003

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Days 1 & 2
Day 3
Day 4
Days 5 & 6
Crossing the Escalante River

Troop 24 Kickass Trekkers: "The High Adventure Troop" Alumni Backpacking Trip
-Cascade Bill Mooseker

Date(s): March 2003. 1 - 4 of 4 Total. Shared
1. Escalante 2003 -Days 1-2  (March 2003)
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Escalante Canyon, Utah
Days 1 & 2

Roger Going Down Harris Wash

Day 1: Harris Wash to Camp 1
Due to a lucky break by getting our shuttle ride switched from Monday morning to Sunday afternoon we didn't have to camp at the trailhead as planned but were able to go down the wash almost to the Glen Canyon NRA boundary for our first camp.

Day 2: Camp 1 to Escalante River (Camp 2)
This was a long day down the wash with a side trip exploring a side canyon opposite the Narrows. Most of the hikers coming up the wash told us the Escalante was too high for fording but we ended our day with a nerve wracking ford of almost crotch deep Escalante to our best camp of the trip a little down stream of the mouth of Harris Wash.

Photos ending in "r" taken by Roger

Troop 24 Kickass Trekkers: "The High Adventure Troop" Alumni Backpacking Trip
-Cascade Bill Mooseker

404 Visits, 39 Images, Shared Album
2. Escalante 2003 - Day 3  (March 2003)
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Escalante Canyon Utah
Day 3

First Crossing of the Day

Day 3: Escalante River from the Mouth of Harris Wash to just Upriver from Neon Canyon
This was a long day along the Escalante with an extended break at Choprock Canyon where we did some exploration and inspection of a petroglyph panel near the mouth of the canyon. I don't know how many times we crossed the river but the crossings were so numerous that you soon lost count.

Photos ending in "r" taken by Roger

Troop 24 Kickass Trekkers: "The High Adventure Troop" Alumni Backpacking Trip
-Cascade Bill Mooseker

367 Visits, 72 Images, Shared Album
3. 2003 Escalante - Day 4  (March 2003)
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Escalante Canyon, Utah
Day 4

Crossing the Escalante at the Mouth of 25 Mile Wash

Day 4: Camp 3 Near Neon Canyon to mouth of 25 Mile Wash
Heading out from our crap camp we visited a pictograph panel, made side trips to Neon and Ringtail canyons.

Troop 24 Kickass Trekkers: "The High Adventure Troop" Alumni Backpacking Trip
-Cascade Bill Mooseker

368 Visits, 64 Images, Shared Album
4. 2003 Escalante - Days 5 & 6  (March 2003)
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Escalante Canyon, Utah
Days 5 & 6

Gary, Kevin, and Bill Heading up 25 Mile Wash

Day 5: Up 25 Mile Wash
Leaving the Escalante River behind we head up 25 Mile Wash hoping that our river crossing days were over. We didn't know about the busy beavers damming up the trickle that was 25 mile Wash. Although the dams were not wide they were much deeper and muddier than the Escalante.

Day 6: Continue up 25 Mile Wash to the Trailhead
Heading out on an icy morning we continued up 25 Mile Wash fighting the brush and the beavers. About mid-day, the wash dried up and the so did the brush, thank goodness.

Photos ending in "r" taken by Roger

Troop 24 Kickass Trekkers: "The High Adventure Troop" Alumni Backpacking Trip
-Cascade Bill Mooseker

372 Visits, 67 Images, Shared Album

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