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french airbuss a380 pussy
"As usual, the French can do nothing right!!!" --Frank, 04/29/05
"Actually, I love the French people, the government is a crazy bunch of socialists though... The pendulum will swing soon... Cheers..." --Yarbz, 04/29/05
"airbus crahes every year killing thousands.they should work on that,not hubris big shittier planes." --gorgeous, 05/17/06
"Well this is to make the planes more attractive to the airlines. Because the meter is running backward each time you fly in this plane, you GIVE them the airmiles!!!" --gatme, 06/27/06
"At least us in Europe can build a doubledecker - unlike the USA that tried and failed to get it off the drawing board. In addition, if you read the stats more people have been killed on/by American jets, people get your facts right!" --Alan UK, 10/13/06
"Alan... You need to relax, take a pill..." --Yarbz, 10/17/06
"Alan, you may want to relax on the A380 with 550 new sardine friends in steerage...enjoy." --Brad, 03/03/07
"hey frank u wish now US had lsiten to the french, if it wasnt for the french u will be drinking tea instead of budweiser, ah i forgot u skip history lesson" --brain, 06/06/07
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