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We had leaks a lot and I hope they fixed this problem sometime in the 30 plus years since I was in...
"Yes they actually did. The entire weapon station was redesigned. It is currently electrically operated. I have to tell u though, it's so cool to see the inside of the old tracks! I can't believe I said that.....o well, Semper Fi, and YATYAS!!!" --CPL D. N, 09/25/12
"Served 1979-1983, We kept a screwdriver in the turret, to jam in the feed shoot when the 50 caliber ran away so that we would not melt the barrel." --David Temme, 04/01/21
Not to be reproduced for profit or under false credit. Any reproductions must be credited.
CameraCamera Data
Orientationtop, left side
X Resolution72 dots per inch
Y Resolution72 dots per inch
Resolution UnitInch
SoftwareAdobe Photoshop 7.0
Date/Time2008:04:12 12:21:03
PhotoPhoto Data
Color SpaceUndefined
Exif Image Width668 pixels
Exif Image Height1024 pixels
Photo 74 of 530, TURRET HYDROLICS LVTP7 1024.jpg, 348KB, 668x1024, 680 Hits
Other Sizes: Original
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