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Davey Boy Smith
Series 3
British Bulldogs
"Does anyone know if this figure was sold with a belt also?" --Mike, 10/29/08
"To my knowledge, only the Tag Teams of the British Bulldogs received the Belts, not on Single Cards..." --kato, 11/02/08
"the british bulldogs are part of series 3 not series 5." --Mike, 11/15/08
"thanks Mike, I got the information from Lee's Price Guide. I will have it Series 3" --kato, 12/02/08
"Is this item for sale by chance? Thanks" --Garth, 08/25/13
Hitachi DZ-MV350A Full EXIF / IPTC
Photo 52 of 139, Picture 071.jpg, 77KB, 480x640, 464 Hits
Other Sizes: Original Medium
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