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willyp |
Soviet/Combloc Section
Soviet Union
1891 StPetersburg Cavalry School Carbine
1895 Nagant Revolvers (7.62x38r)
1911 Colt Soviet rework (.45cal)
1925 TK Korovin pistol (6.35)
1930 Tokarev TT30-TT33 (7.62x25Tok)
P08 Luger WW2 capture (9mm)
1959 Makarov PM Pistol (9x18mak)
1891 M91 Mosins (7.62x54r)
1928 Degtyarev DP28 (7.62x54r)
1939 PEM side mount sniper (7.62x54r)
1938-40 SVT38/40 Tokarev (7.62x54r)
1943 Sphagin PPsh43 (7.62x25Tok)
1944 PU Mosin Sniper (7.62x54r)
Sniper Rifles 1934-1994 (7.62x54r)
TOZ series (.22cal)
1945 SKS Siminov (7.62x39)
1947 Kalashnikov Type3 AK47 (7.62x39)
1956 RPD Degtyarev (7.62x39)
1959 AKMS Kalashnikov (7.62x39)
1964 SVD Dragunov (7.62x54r)
1978 AKS74UN (5.45x39)
RPG7 Rocket Launcher
1956 RPD Degtyarev (7.62x39)
Date(s): NEW 11/15/2014.
Album by willyp.
Photos by willyp.
1 - 26 of 26 Total. 4791 Visits.
RPD R kit
RPD R action open w-mag
RPD R action kit
RPD R stock
RPD R trigger group
RPD R action
RPD R action w-mag
RPD R forend
RPD R gas port
RPD R forend bipod folded
RPD R mzzle bipod
RPD L muzzle
RPD L sling mount
RPD L mag feed
RPD Rbottom HG
RPD L action slide
RPD L cover mkgs
RPD L sction open w-mag
RPD L Rr sight
RPD L Rcvr Mkgs
RPD L stock
RPD L buttplate open
RPD L buttplate
RPD L action open
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