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ART & Redfield scopes/mounts
Top- original VietNam era AR TEL scope/mount
Center- early commercial redfield 3x9 on original AR TEL mount (note cam pin at rear of mount)
Bottom- later commercial Redfield 3x9 on Springfield Armory Inc MKIV (commercial) mount. For a replica/facsimile XM21 the commercial Redfields "look right" on either the original mount (which is almost as hard to find as the original scopes) or the MKIV. Either would actually be closer (cosmetically again) to a Viet Nam era gun than using an ART set. The Redfield based systems were known as AR TEL, the later Leatherwood based systems were ART.
Photo 11 of 78, T-Art C-Art Red1 B- IV Red2.jpg, 119KB, 932x746, 76 Hits
Other Sizes: Original
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