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 willyp | Home > Weapons of the world photo Albums > US Colt/Armalite AR15/M16 (5.56) > Research, projects etc.  
Research, projects etc.
There's many questions re: the M16 series as far as parts, markings, variants, timeframes etc., this folder will have topics under research w/info that is ONGOING not "set in stone", I'm putting this here instead of on public forums to keep it from becoming "internet fact" before there's verifiable facts or evidence to prove or disprove it, notes will be made for each item as to the current "correctness" or "probability" of the theories contained so please read carefully & don't repeat the info as fact at this point, also if you have any info that may help in the topics please contact me thru email at the bottom of each album.
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H&R & GM production M16A1's
1. H&R & GM production M16A1's 
Very little factual info is available on these makers, most of it is based on observations of a few 40yr old rifles & parts. I'm in process of building semi-replicas of both an H&R & a GM & began researching them to that end & have found some interesting "tidbits" that may help id parts etc. Info has been collected from a number of military armorers, collectors, dealers, museums & comes from notes, recollections & observations & info on existing rifles & parts, demilled lowers etc, some of the info & help provided so far is from wpnsman, mx56, tgus, quiet, dawg180, M1sniper, SA museum etc and others not named here yet, my thanks to all for their kindness, interest & patience!
Please keep in mind this is an ongoing project, anything here is subject to change based on new info or documentation yet to be found, in other words, speculative but based on facts as known at this point.
If you have ANY info you feel can be helpful PLEASE let me know.
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