End of May Book Review by Sam Mitchell Title: Collecting Art Plastic Jewelry Author: Leigh Leshner Type of Book: Paper Back Average Price: $24.99 In or Out of Print: In print Number of Pages: 256 Brief Description of Book: Book covers the basics of collecting Plastic jewelry and has some really Great pictures NOTE: Reviews Based on the following Scoring Measure: 1 Being “Forget It” and 10 Being “Must Have” QUANTITY OF PICTURES: Comments: Lots of pictures SCORE: 9 QUALITY OF PICTURES: Black and White Pictures? No Color? Yes How good are the pictures? Excellent pictures Are there close ups of the marks? No Comments: There are some pictures that you can see the marks of the artist SCORE: 9 QUANTITY OF INFORMATION: Range of information offered? Is information thorough? Comments: Standard Basic fare of Plastic information with the exception of the section on Modern Designers SCORE: 6 QUALITY OF INFORMATION: Accuracy (are there mistakes?): Comments: SCORE: 6 VALUES LISTED: Are they helpful or realistic? No Comments: As with most all books, the prices are not realistic but are close. SCORE: 7 USER FRIENDLY: Is the book easy to read and follow? Are things easy to find (table of contents/index)? Comments: Since there is not much to read, everything is easy to follow and find SCORE: 7 TOTAL AVERAGE SCORE..... 7 Is this a must have book? Yes and No Overall Comments: I keep asking myself “Why do I have this book” . The only thing that comes to mind is that it has some really Great Pictures. The information is very basic plastic info and the Modern Designers section would have been a really nice addition if a little more effort was made to show pictures of their marks. Most of the Modern Artists are signing their work and a few closeups would have been nice. This will make for a great picture book to leave on the coffee table. | |
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