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End of October Book Review by
Adrienne Shivers.

Title: Popular Jewelry of the 60's, 70's & 80's
Author: Roseann Ettinger
Published: 1997

General description: Book focuses on the decade of 60's-80's and covers styles popular at that time.  

This review will cover several categories and will include a rating for that category 1-10, 1 being 'forget it, 10 being 'must have'. There will also be a short comment about each category and then a general review at the end.

Comments: Loads of pictures, even more jewelry as some pictures show more than one item
Rating: 9.5

All color pictures, good quality and clear. No backs, no marks, and some of the backgrounds are distracting and some pieces are small.
Rating: 7.5

Comments: Some info on what was popular, and I like the way the book categorizes the pieces into popular looks for each decade.  Some info about each piece, mostly describing the design, not the materials used.
Rating: 7.0

Comments: I don't remember some of the styles discussed, and I'm 45 so I was aware of most of the styles. But then, I haven't made a study of it, Ms. Ettinger has. Seems mostly very accurate.  
Rating: 8.0

Comments: Values are not bad, for a book LOL In fact, there's some very nice increase in some looks, since this book was published. And of course, the recent popularity of Boho comes right out of the designs in this book, this is the real thing. And those prices are up now too.
Rating: 7.0

Comments: Fairly well organized, but you have to know what you're looking for. It's arranged by decade, then style.
Rating: 7.0

Total average rating: 7.666
This is one of those books that's a take it or leave it, depending on your needs. If you're selling, and deal with newer vintage, then it's a must. Or if you have a broad range of jewelry in your inventory.  Nothing else really covers these more recent decades. If you're into Boho, it's a good bet, too. BUT, if you like the older stuff, pre-1960's, then forget it, not worth your while.
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