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End of June Book Review by
Manon Kavesky

Title: Secrets to Collecting Jewelry; How to Buy More for Less!
Author: Leigh Leshner
Type of Book: Paperback
Average Price: $19.99
Pages: 272
Brief Description of Book

This is a good book for beginners. It is really an overview. The
is well organized with a table of contents and index so the reader can find the answer to most queries. This book is similar to How To Be a Jewelry

Detective (reviewed earlier this year) although, Secrets has better
photography and higher production values. The title promises Secrets
and How to Buy More For Less. I am not sure that these claims can be supported.

There is good section on findings. For example, did I buy a fur clip or a dress clip? Secrets to Collecting Jewelry includes clear photos of findings so the curious reader can discover the difference. Another question that
pops up monthly on one of the online jewelry forums I belong to is answered
here with more clear photos,What are those quirky ear findings, they
can't possibly be for pierced ears!?!?. Yes, there is a photo of those quirky wing back ear findings.

There is a section is called Examples of Specific Types of Jewelry,
Materials and Styles or what I would call an illustrated glossary. It is thorough from applejuice bakelite to watch pin. There are some really
interesting and unique inclusions such as Prison Rings, Book Chains,
Kum-a-Part cufflinks, Negligee Necklaces and more. But some inclusions are silly such as a photo of leather and satin and suede cord! Not really
necessary even for a rank beginner.

Secrets to Collecting Jewelry has a notable section on Bakelite and
Plastic Jewelry the photography is compelling and the pieces selected are lovely.

Quantity of Illustrations: 350 photos
Score: 9

Quality of Illustrations: High quality professional photographs
Color Photos:  all color
Score: 9

Quantity of Information: 8
Is the information thorough? Yes
Comments: Again this is for beginners. There is the right amount of details for those who are starting a collection.
Score: 8

Quality of Information: Well written sections and good photo captions
Comments: Well researched, the author is obviously experienced and can discuss all areas of jewelry collecting.
Score :9

Values Listed (Prices) Yes
Are they helpful or realistic? Yes, a little high at times and a littlelow at times but on average quite helpful. Keep in mind that this was published
in 2005 so some values may have changes. For example some things may be more or less popular.
Score 8

User Friendly: Yes
Is the book easy to read and follow? Yes
Is there a table of contents and index? yes
Is information easy to find? yes
Comments: Score: 8

Average score: 8

Is this book a must have? Yes

Overall comments A good companion
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