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Title: Inside the Jewelry Box Volume 3
A Collectors Guide to Costume Jewelry Identification and Values
Author: Ann Mitchell Pitman
Type of Book: Paperback
Average Price:  $24.95
In Print: Yes
Pages: 208

Brief Description of Book: The third installment is a series of well-received collecting books that combine columns from “Inside the Jewelry Box” with photos of costume jewelry.
There are sections on Forbidden Fruit, Juliana, Schreiner, Patriotic Jewelry Calvaire and more. The photos are sourced from collectors or dealers who photographed their own pieces. Most of the photos are good and clear with only a few exceptions.  There are additional chapters on Necklaces, Bracelets rings etc. and the more chapters on Contemporary Jewelry, a Memorial to Ian St. Gielar and Vintage Ads. All photos are captioned each individual piece is described. There is particular attention to detail of the materials that compose the piece and the measurements. There are also values on every piece that were provided by the owners or dealers who provided the photos.

Quantity of Illustrations: lots of photos supposed to be 1000 according to the press release
Score: 8

Quality of visual material: Good. Most photos are of good quality. A few fuzzy ones. Some back views of the pieces, which I think is always helpful when trying to identify unmarked pieces or to determine the authenticity of pieces.
I think that there are a lot of special pieces in this book that belong to a few very special collectors. Each piece is identified with the owners name and the reader. This feature makes the book feel very personal.
B/w: Nine pages of back and white advertisements for jewelry.
Color Photos: Lots and lots the high point of the book     
Score: 8

Quantity of Information: There is just what you would expect not too much and not too little. The columns are interesting for the piece on Forbidden Fruit it one of the best in the book
Is the information thorough? Seems to be!
Score: 8

Values Listed (Prices) Yes
Comments: the dealers or collectors who provided the pieces showcased in the book provided the values. There is a high and low price given for every piece. The prices seem realistic in the area where I live (Chicagoland)
Score: 8

User Friendly:
Is the book easy to read and follow? Yes
Is there a table of contents? Yes

Score: 8

Average score 8
Is this book a must have? I have read a lot of praise for this book, reviews on Amazon and e-mails on the different collectors sites. I am torn so I will have to say maybe this is a must have. If you have the other volumes then you will know what to expect and will be delighted with another installment of Inside the Jewelry Box 3.
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