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End of October Book Review by
Sam Mitchell.

Title: Popular Jewelry of the 60s, 70s, & 80s
Author: Roseann Ettinger
Type of Book: Paperback
Average Price: $29.95
In or Out of Print: In print
Number of Pages: 192
Brief Description of Book: The book covers Popular jewelry from the 60s up to the 80s

NOTE:   Reviews Based on the following Scoring Measure:
1 Being “Forget It” and 10 Being “Must Have”

    Comments: The back of the book says there are over 600 color and 60 Advertising pictures
   SCORE: 8

    Black and White Pictures? Yes
    Color?  Yes
    How good are the pictures?
    Are there close ups of the marks?
   Comments: The pictures run from really good to very bad and out of focus. The only pictures      of marks are of the ones with hang tags or other advertising.
    SCORE: 5

    Range of information offered?  Very little
    Is information thorough?  No
    Comments: I think this book was just meant to be a picture book
    SCORE: 5

    Accuracy (are there mistakes?):
    Comments: Not a lot of information to work with
    SCORE: 5

    Are they helpful or realistic?        
    Comments:  The prices in the book are about 8 years old and are for the most part very low
    SCORE: 8

    Is the book easy to read and follow?  Yes
    Are things easy to find (table of contents/index)?  Yes
    Comments: Even though the book does not do pictures of the marks, they do Identify
                     All the marked pieces and you can find them from the index.
    SCORE: 9


Is this a must have book?  Yes and No

Overall Comments: When asking “Is this a must have book” I have to say its one of the Yes or No books. Personally I bought the book for $2.00 at a flea market and to me that is about all its worth, But on the other hand some will find it of value. Now on to the Yes and NO.

Yes... because jewelry of the 60s - 80s is the next Collectibles and you are buying or selling it, then the book is worth buying for the pictures and what little info it has.

No...If you are looking for really good information on jewelry makers of the 60s - 80s and their marks, you wont find it here. If you are not into collecting jewelry of this time period then the book is a No.

As with any book you are thinking of buying, Always go to your local book stores or Library and try out the book before you buy and make sure its right for you!
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