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End of May Book Review by Adrienne Shivers

Title: Collecting Art Plastic Jewelry
Author: Leigh Leshner

General description: Book focuses on everything plastic. Bakelite, luctie, celluloid, moonglow, plastic...if it's man made, it's in here, both new and old.

This review will cover several categories and will include a rating for that category 1-10, 1 being 'forget it, 10 being 'must have'. There will also be a short comment about each category and then a general review at the end.

Comments: Lots and lots and lots of big, color pics
Rating: 9

Comments: Great color. large and good detail. No backs or marks, not generally necessary for plastic anyway
Rating: 9

Comments: Pictures of all types of plastic, but very little detail about each piece. Other than what it is and a value. Front section covers history, types, methods of manufacture. Not much new here other than some info on plastic designers, which is not elsewhere. Section in the back on contemporary designers, which is also a different feature.
Rating: 8

Comments: Seems totally accurate, I haven't found anything wrong, though I disagree with values, big time, see below. Not much to mess up because so much is pictorial
Rating: 8

Comments: Waaaay, waaay out of whack, IMO. And I think all books are out of whack. This one makes the cake for being unreasonably high. Even if you don't factor in the flattening of bakelite values over the last couple of years (and this book was written after those values leveled off), I just don't see any reality in an values. It looks more to me like someone trying to add some (a lot) value to their own and other personal collections, rather than taking a cross section of reality.
Rating: 0

Comments: The types of plastic are not separated by type, it's all just one long compilation of photos. So, if you're looking for anything specific, you just have to thumb through each page.
Rating: 5

Total average rating: 6.5

Not my favorite for researching values, but then I don't generally recommend books for value research in any case.  A really good range of jewelry, so good for seeing all types of different plastics. Lots of pieces shown here not previously covered in other books, which is nice.
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