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"I do have this book and I agree with the review for the most part. BUT there are a few mistakes showing pieces that are not made by D&E. And the author did not work or speak with Mr. DeLizza at all while making this book. The chapter 19 called "Other Companies for with DeLizza & Elster Manufactured Jewelry" is also very confusing. She shows pictures of pieces with other company signatures, but I personally doubt that a lot of them were made by D&E. And she doesn't say they were or were not. I think she is just showing the pieces by other companies to show the bold style is like D&E. But she doesn't clarify what she's doing with this chapter. It is the best book out right now on Juliana Jewelry and the photos are great! Just know there are some errors." --Lilly, 11/27/08
"Wonderful review..and thanks again Lilly for your insight..The review does make me want to have this book if nothing else than to see all the delicious Juliana jewelry..Thanks Manon.." --Judi, 11/27/08
"Yes, I have the book and was pleased with the variety of styles photographed. I agree Lilly that the "Other Companies" section could certainly have stood some text to clarify why the pieces shown were included and who really made/deigned them. Still, a verty good resource for the person interested in Juliana." --Tracy, 11/27/08
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