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End of July Book Review by Adrienne Shivers.

Title: Mexican Silver

Author: Morrill & Berk

Published: 2004

General description: Book focuses on the major Mexican Jewelry Artisans, both jewelry and objects.  

This review will cover several categories and will include a rating for that category 1-10, 1 being 'forget it, 10 being 'must have'. There will also be a short comment about each category and then a general review at the end.  


Comments: Good amount of pictures, not only the jewelry but also facroties, historical pictures, objects, etc. Some makers have less examples shown than others

Rating: 7.5


Examples of marking included, all very clear and beautifully shot, all color, great photography

Rating: 10.0


Comments: Very well researched, a TON of info on the major important artists. Lots of historical information, info about the lives of the artists and their work, inspirations, etc. Nothing at all on unmarked or unidentified Mexican makers.

Rating: 8.5


Comments: I'm assuming the info is exceedingly accurate, the authors are well respected experts in the field. I personally can't vouch, but I'd be surprised to know there were errors.

Rating: 10.0


Comments: Values are not specific to the pieces shown in the book, but rather a price range is given for each artist's work. This is a little tough to use and there's no explanation as to why one piece might be worth more than another.

Rating: 4.0


Comments: Laid out very well. There's a lot of text in this book. It's very much an encyclopedia with lots to read.

Rating: 7.0

Total average rating: 7.83333

This to me is not so much a reference book as it is a historical perspective on the artists. If you're looking to learn about an artist, it's excellent. But, if you looking for a quick reference guide to identify a piece, date it or get a handle on it's value, it's not the best. It's beautifully done and VERY informative if you have a special interest in this genre of jewelry. And you can get a start to learning to identify an artist's style and work by going through it. But, it does not cover unknown Mexican makers or earlier unsigned pieces, it only covers important work. The title makes you think it covers all Mexican silver, but it really doesn't. It will help you learn to spot important work but will not help you if you're looking to evaluate the tons of Mexican pieces that are not considered important. If you're into the art of jewelry, the significance of it as an art form, this is an excellent source for Mexican pieces. But, if you just want a value guide and something to help you ID Mexican sterling, this is not that book.
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