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Mid August Book Review by Adrienne Shivers

Title: European Designer Jewelry

Author: Ginger Moro

Published: 1995

General description: Book focuses specifically on European jewelry designs and is organized by country..  

This review will cover several categories and will include a rating for that category 1-10, 1 being 'forget it, 10 being 'must have'. There will also be a short comment about each category and then a general review at the end.  


Comments: And enormous amount of pictures of jewelry, marks, and ads. I didn't count, but maybe Sam will.

Rating: 10.0


Pictures are all in color, very well done. Could use some larger pictures of some things, as some jewelry is shot in groups. Some marks are pictured, rarely, if any backs.

Rating: 9.0


Comments: A staggering amount of info. Not just info on the jewelry but info on historical events influencing the jewelry and lots of info on the artists and times shown. 13 countries covered in depth.

Rating: 10.0


Comments: Ginger remains the unchallenged authority on European jewelry. Taking into consideration the the book was published 10 years ago, some info has been updated or discovered since, and I *think* Ginger is working on a revision. But, most of it is still accurate. The biggest update that comes to mind is the info on Jakob Bengel. A lot of the pieces in the Germany section, the pieces shown on 125-127, have since been confirmed to be Jakob Bengel though not ID'd a such in the book. The book is extremely accurate as of time of publishing.

Rating: 9.0


Comments: Values are all over the map there is so much stuff pin the book. The value guide is 10 years old as well, and things change over a decade. Also, it's a little cumbersome, one of the books with a value chart by page number in the back. It's a guide but not always current.

Rating: 7.0


Comments: Each chapter is a country, and the info in each chapter is chronological. Tough to find specific info on a designer or mark unless you use the index, there's a lot to read and you can't go quickly to a specific designer section.

Rating: 8.0

Total average rating: 8.83

The definitive resource for European jewelry. Period. Nothing else even remotely like it. You will see pieces in this book that you've never seen (or maybe ever will see) in real life. My average rating would be higher but for the values. This book will expand your jewelry knowledge and eye and show you designs that are completely different from American work. It's fairly expensive, you might want to consider purchasing direct from Ginger, she advertises it on her site. She'll sign it too. Definitely a must have book.
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