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End of September Book Review by Adrienne Shivers .

Title: Warmans Jewelry 3rd Ed
Author: Christie Romeri
Published: 2002

General description: Covers both fine and costume jewelry from mid 1700's through the the mid 1970's, roughly 200 years of jewelry.

This review will cover several categories and will include a rating for that category 1-10, 1 being 'forget it, 10 being 'must have'. There will also be a short comment about each category and then a general review at the end.

Comments: Tons. Sam will count undoubtedly. A huge range of jewelry represented, you will see pieces here not seen anywhere else.
Rating: 10.0

Pictures are all in color, all gorgeous. Some are little small and you can't see all detail and there are not backs, but there are some mark with the jewelry and a more comprehensive section of some marks on the back.
Rating: 9.5

Comments: This is a bible of vintage jewelry. The is historical info, manufacturing info, maker info, a very helpful timeline of inventions and world events. It's all in here
Rating: 10.0

Comments: There were many mistakes in the 2nd edition, but they appear to be cleaned up in this current 3rd ed. There's not anyone much more knowledgeable out there than Christie Romero, what mistakes there may be are generally editing problems and not lack of knowledge by the author.
Rating: 10.0

Comments: Values are actually fairly decent. Pretty realistic taking into consideration the 3 years since this version was published. Some stuff is up, some is down, but that's how it goes in this business. For the most part, Christie has been conservative and not prone to inflate to super high values.
Rating: 8.0

Comments: Very well organized, extremely easy to find stuff, you'll use the index frequently.
Rating: 9.5

Total average rating: 9.5
This is THE bible as regards to vintage jewelry. It covers more ground than any other publication. It's accurate, well researched and interesting. The range of jewelry is staggering and while it doesn't cover specific eras or style in incredible depth, it does cover everything well, there's not anything left out. This should be your first purchase if you collect and if you sell, IMO it's not an option, you HAVE to have this book.
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