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End of March Book Review by
Sam Mitchell

Title:  DK Collector's Guides
Costume Jewelry
The Complete Visual Reference and Price Guide

Author:  Judith Miller with John Wainwright.

Type of Book:  Hard Bound

Average Price: $30.00

In or Out of Print: In print

Number of Pages:  256

Brief Description of Book:  The book states that its the complete Visual  Reference and Price Guide. Lets have a look and see.                        

NOTE:   Reviews Based on the following Scoring Meaure:
1 Being "Forget It" and 10 Being "Must Have"

    Comments: The book says it has over 1500. I did not count them
    SCORE: 9

    Black and White Pictures?
    How good are the pictures?
    Are there close ups of the marks?
    Comments: There are some really Big pictures in the book. The color is really nice.  But there is not a Single picture of a mark. Did I tell you that the pictures are really big.

    Range of information offered?
    Is information thorough?
    Comments: Well it looks like the Favorite designers have lots and the others just a little bit. Maybe thats why the pictures are so BIG.
    SCORE: 7

    Accuracy (are there mistakes?):
    Comments: Well since there are no pictures of any marks of the jewelry pictured, I guess you would already have to know the jewelry and then you would not need the book!
    SCORE: 6

    Are they helpful or realistic?
    Comments: Values are everywhere. Has the standard warning about not being responsible for the values or information listed. If you put it in the book and Its Not a Publisher mistake, Then you should take responsibility for it
    SCORE: 3

    Is the book easy to read and follow?
    Are things easy to find (table of contents/index)?
    Comments: Not bad. I had no trouble getting around.
    SCORE:: 8


Is this a must have book?   NO

Overall Comments:  Well there is one thing this book has and that is really BIG Pictures, and I keep asking myself "Why are they so Big"  They really take up a lot of space and draw your eyes away from the writing. I have to admit that The Pictures were really Nice and Bright through.  

There is not a single picture of a mark to go with any of the pieces. I thought that the "Hot Collecting Field" should have its own chapter instead of being stuck in between the makers in various places. I did not think the book was a "Complete Reference and Price Guide. I really dislike "Good, Better, Best" formats.

The pages in the back with the Designers and Makers marks are so badly presented they should have been just left out along with the Glossary.

As with any book you are thinking of buying, go to your local book store or library and check the book out to make sure its right for you.
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