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End of July Book Review by
Sam Mitchell

Title: Delizza and Elster
Memoirs of a Fashion Jewelry Manufacturer
Author: Frank R. Delizza
Type of Book: Soft Cover
Average Price: $25.00
In or Out of Print: New In Print
Number of Pages: 170
Brief Description of Book:
The book is a year by year memoir of the jewelry company
Delizza and Elster Inc. As told by Frank Delizza.

Well folks here it is the long awaited and talked about book of the company
that created Juliana jewelry.

Covering the time period from the very beginnings in 1903 that lead to the
creation of the company to the closing in what appears to be 1990, the book
reads like a story as told to a interviewer.

While most of the fans of Juliana jewelry will most likely love the book,
the rest of the jewelry world might find it hard to stay with the story.

There are lots of historical pictures of the company along with, Magazine Ads,
black and white pictures of drawings of some of the pieces, and only a few pages of
black and white and 4 pages of color pictures of the jewelry.

If you were expecting lots of pictures of Juliana jewelry along with pictures
of examples on how to identify the jewelry, you will be greatly disappointed
to find that all of that information has been left out.

TOTAL AVERAGE SCORE..... I liked the book, so I will give it a  7

Is this a must have book? ...Sadly NO
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