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Brooches-Timeless Adornment by Lori Ettinger Gross

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"I have been debating on getting this book. Thanks to this review, I believe I will! Sounds very interesting. Thank you!!" --Lilly, 08/15/08
"I don't have this book yet but did enjoy the review very much..There are other books I will be getting before this one but it is on my list..Thanks for another great reveiw Manon...Judi" --Judi, 08/15/08
"Thanks for the lovely review, Manon. I love brooches first and foremost and will definitely consider the book. Cynthia Fore Miller" --Cynthia, 08/15/08
"Thank you for such a thorough review. I am on the fence on this book, I need to go to actual Book Store & look through the book before I decide to buy it. It's on my list for a look-see. Thanks" --wendy, 08/16/08
"I always enjoy the fine jewelry pics and histories that Robin brings to us from the big NY auction houses she visits so I'm sure I'd like this book too. Thanks for the review." --dianne, 08/16/08
"I received this book as a gift from a dear friend who knows about my love of VJC and to whom I have given gorgeous vintage and antique brooches. Not neccesarily a reference book, but the design, content and photos are very good. I think it is the perfect coffee table book for the jewelry lover. It's enjoyable and does make a lovely gift. Kath" --Kathleen Kelly, 01/01/11
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