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Mid July Book Review by Sam Mitchell

Title: Miriam Haskell Jewelry
      A Schiffer Book for Collectors With Price Guide
Author: Cathy Gordon and Sheila Pamfiloff
Type of Book: Hard Cover coffee table size
Average Price: Originally Sold for $59.95
In or Out of Print: In print
Number of Pages: 256
Brief Description of Book: I think this is the Current most Important book on the History and Identifying Miriam Haskell Jewelry

I thought I would do something a little different with the review of this Book.

Is this a must have book? Yes

Overall Comments:  I think the following  Quote says it all.
“The jewelry world has been waiting for this one. Cathy and Sheila have put together the next Best Seller of collectable Jewelry Books!”
“As you open the book you can see right away that the authors have done their home work on Miriam Haskell jewelry. The layout, information, and the pictures have been put togather in a Masterpiece of a book. Well done Cathy & Sheila”

Before this book I did not like Miriam Haskell Jewelry.  All the Miriam Haskell jewelry I knew was the Marked jewelry.

Now having been through this book several times and having been though Cathy Gordon’s
albums, plus attending a well advertized auction with Miriam Haskell articles where I got to hold and look over several original Miriam Haskell watercolors and several early Miriam Haskell sets, I have a new respect for Miriam Haskell Jewelry.

Oh by the way, the author of the quote above is Me!
It can be seen at
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