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Mid October Book Review by Adrienne Shivers

Title: Wooden Jewelry and Novelties
Author: Mary Jo Izard
Published: 1998

General description: Book focuses specifically on wooden jewelry and included wood with bakelite and/or lucite, and also other wooden stuff like dolls and masks, etc..

This review will cover several categories and will include a rating for that category 1-10, 1 being 'forget it, 10 being 'must have'. There will also be a short comment about each category and then a general review at the end.

Comments: Decent amount of pictures for book this size, it's only 160 pages, almost all of them with picture.
Rating: 8.0

Pictures are all in color, some backs, but not many, it's not really necessary for this type of jewelry, it's not marked.
Rating: 6.0

Comments: Not a ton of info, a little bit in the front. This is mostly a visual reference. Some pieces are dated, but not most. The focus is so narrow, I'm not sure how much more info could have been offered.
Rating: 5.0

Comments: As with some of the other books we've seen, this is an older publication and some of the info is out of date. Most is good, what there is of it.
Rating: 5.0

Comments: Values are very out-of-date, for the most part....too low for todays' market, particularly on the bakelite and lucite pieces. This book was published just before the recent bakelite and plastic craze and although prices have leveled off, they are a bit higher than in this book.
Rating: 4.0

Comments: No complaints here, it's organized by theme.
Rating: 5.0

Total average rating: 5.5
Very specialized subject matter and if you're not into wood jewelry don't both with this one. HOWEVER, this stuff is not really covered anywhere else, so if you are selling and want the additional reference or have a particular interest in wooden jewelry, than this book is fine. There's some fun things pictured, pieces you won't see a lot of. I'm a believer that if you're selling vintage jewelry, you should have as many references as possible, so this goes on the list. But, for collectors, unless this is your cuppa tea....skip it.
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