The 1955 Bowman Football Card Set includes 160 vintage size cards, with the high numbered cards (65-160) slightly more difficult to find. These were the last sports cards issued by the Bowman Gum Co. before being purchased by Topps, and was the largest of the eight sets produced by the company. The most valuable card is of #152 Tom Landry. Cards #161-163 are custom cards of Otto Graham and John Unitas who did not have cards in the regular set. My raw set would grade Ex/Mt on average with a few better.
Album by Michael Ford. 1 - 163 of 163 Total. 3329 Visits.
1 Doak Walker HB Detroit Lions
2 Mike McCormack G/T Cleveland Browns
3 Johnny Olszewski FB Chicago Cardinals
4 Dorne Drill E Detroit Lions
5 Lindon Crow HB Chicago Cardinals
6 Hugh Taylor E Washington Redskins
7 Frank Gifford HB New York Giants
8 Alan Ameche FB Baltimore Colts
9 Don Stonesifer E Chicago Cardinals
10 Pete Pihos E Philadelphia Eagles
11 Bill Austin G New York Giants
12 Dick Alban HB Washington Redskins
13 Bob Walston E Philadelphia Eagles
14 Len Ford E Cleveland Browns
15 Earl Girard HB/E Detroit Lions
16 Charley Conerly QB New York Giants
17 Volney Peters T Washington Redskins
18 Max Boydston E Chicago Cardinals
19 Leon Hart E Detroit Lions
20 Bert Rechichar HB Baltimore Colts
21 Lee Riley HB Detroit Lions
22 John Carson E Washington Redskins
23 Harry Thompson G Los Angeles Rams
24 Ray Wietecha C New York Giants
25 Ollie Matson HB Chicago Cardinals
26 Eddie LeBaron QB Washington Redskins
27 Jack Simmons C Chicago Cardinals
28 Jack Christiansen HB Detroit Lions
29 Francis Kilroy G Philadelphia Eagles
30 Tom Keane HB Baltimore Colts
31 Dave Leggett QB Chicago Cardinals
32 Norm Van Brocklin QB Los Angeles Rams
33 Harlon Hill E Chicago Bears
34 Bob Haner B Chicago Cardinals
35 Veryl Switzer HB Green Bay Packers
36 Dick Stanfel G Detroit Lions
37 Lou Groza T Cleveland Browns
38 Paul Younger HB/FB Los Angeles Rams
39 Dick Flanagan LB Pittsburgh Steelers
40 James Dooley HB Chicago Bears
41 Ray Collins T New York Giants
42 John Henry Johnson HB San Francisco 49ers
43 Tom Fears E Los Angeles Rams
44 Joe Perry FB San Francisco 49ers
45 Gene Brito E Washington Redskins
46 Bill Johnson C San Francisco 49ers
47 Dan Towler HB/FB Los Angeles Rams
48 Dick Moegle HB San Francisco 49ers
49 Kline Gilbert G Chicago Bears
50 Les Gobel HB Chicago Cardinals
51 Ray Krouse T New York Giants
52 Pat Summerall E Chicago Cardinals
53 Ed Brown QB Chicago Bears
54 Lynn Chadnois HB Pittsburgh Steelers
55 Joe Heap HB New York Giants
56 John Hoffman HB Chicago Bears
57 Howard Ferguson FB Green Bay Packers
58 Bob Watkins HB Chicago Bears
59 Charlie Ane C/T Detroit Lions
60 Ken MacAfee E New York Giants
61 Ralph Guglielmi QB Washington Redskins
62 George Blanda QB Chicago Bears
63 Ken Snyder T Philadelphia Eagles
64 Chet Ostrowski E Washington Redskins
65 Buddy Young HB Baltimore Colts
66 Gordy Soltau E San Francisco 49ers
67 Edward Bell E Philadelphia Eagles
68 Ben Agajanian B New York Giants
69 Tom Dahms T Los Angeles Rams
70 Jim Ringo C Green Bay Packers
71 Bobby Layne QB Detroit Lions
72 Y.A. Tittle QB San Francisco 49ers
73 Bob Gaona T Pittsburgh Steelers
74 Tobin Rote QB Green Bay Packers
75 Hugh McElhenny HB San Francisco 49ers
76 John Kreamcheck T Chicago Bears
77 Al Dorow QB Washington Redskins
78 Bill Wade QB Los Angeles Rams
79 Dale Dodrill G Pittsburgh Steelers
80 Chuck Drazenovich B Washington Redskins
81 Billy Wilson E San Francisco 49ers
82 Les Richter G Los Angeles Rams
83 Pat Brady QB Pittsburgh Steelers
84 Bob Hoernschemeyer HB Detroit Lions
85 Joe Arenas HB San Francisco 49ers
86 Ben Szafaryn T Green Bay Packers
87 Rick Casares HB Chicago Bears
88 Leon McLaughlin C Los Angeles Rams
89 Charles Toogood T Los Angeles Rams
90 Tom Bettis G Green Bay Packers
91 John Sandusky T Cleveland Browns
92 Bill Wightkin T Chicago Bears
93 Darrell Brewster E Cleveland Browns
94 Marion Campbell T San Francisco 49ers
95 Floyd Reid HB Green Bay Packers
96 Harry Jagade FB Chicago Bears
97 George Taliaferro HB Baltimore Colts
98 Carlton Massey E Cleveland Browns
99 Fran Rogel FB Pittsburgh Steelers
100 Alex Sandusky G Baltimore Colts
101 Bob St. Clair T San Francisco 49ers
102 Al Carmichael HB Green Bay Packers
103 Carl Taseff HB Detroit Lions
104 Leo Nomellini T San Francisco 49ers
105 Tom Scott E Philadelphia Eagles
106 Ted Marchibroda QB Pittsburgh Steelers
107 Art Spinney G Baltimore Colts
108 Wayne Robinson LB Philadelphia Eagles
109 Jim Ricca G Detroit Lions
110 Lou Ferry T Pittsburgh Steelers
111 Roger Zatkoff LB Green Bay Packers
112 Lou Creekmur T/G Detroit Lions
113 Ken Konz HB Cleveland Browns
114 Doug Eggers LB Baltimore Colts
115 Bob Thomason QB Philadelpha Eagles
116 William McPeak E Pittsburgh Steelers
117 William Brown G Green Bay Packers
118 Royce Womble HB Baltimore Colts
119 Frank Gatski C Cleveland Browns
120 Jim Finks QB Pittsburgh Steelers
121 Andy Robustelli E Los Angeles Rams
122 Bobby Dillon HB Green Bay Packers
123 Leo Sanford LB Chicago Cardinals
124 Elbert Nickel E Pittsburgh Steelers
125 Wayne Hansen C Chicago Bears
126 Alex Lansford T Philadelphia Eagles
127 Gern Nagler E Chicago Cardinals
128 Jim Salsbury G Detroit Lions
129 Dale Atkeson FB Washington Redskins
130 John Schweder G Pittsburgh Steelers
131 Dave Hanner T Green Bay Packers
132 Eddie Price FB New York Giants
133 Vic Janowicz HB Washington Redskins
134 Ernie Stautner T Pittsburgh Steelers
135 James Parmer HB Philadelphia Eagles
136 Emlen Tunnel HB New York Giants
137 Kyle Rote QB New York Giants
138 Norman Willey E Philadelphia Eagles
139 Charley Trippi HB Chicago Cardinals
140 Bill Howton E Green Bay Packers
141 Bob Clatterbuck QB New York Giants
142 Bob Boyd E Los Angeles Rams
143 Bob Toneoff T/LB San Francisco 49ers
144 Jerry Hellum T Green Bay Packers
145 Adrian Burk QB Philadelphia Eagles
146 Walt Michaels FB Cleveland Browns
147 Zollie Toth FB Baltimore Colts
148 Frank Varrichione T Pittsburgh Steelers
149 Dick Bielski FB Philadelphia Eagles
150 George Ratterman QB Cleveland Browns
151 Mike Jarmoluk T Philadelphia Eagles
152 Tom Landry HB New York Giants
153 Ray Renfro HB Cleveland Browns
154 Zeke Bratkowski QB Chicago Bears
155 Jerry Norton HB Phildelphia Eagles
156 Maurice Bassett FB Cleveland Browns
157 Volney Quinlan HB Los Angeles Rams
158 Chuck Bednarik C Philadelphia Eagles
159 Don Colo T Cleveland Browns
160 Louis Dupre HB Baltimore Colts
161 John Unitas QB Pittsburgh Steelers custom card
162 John Unitas QB Pittsburgh Steelers custom card