1 5 mins longs and 6.7Mbs!
3 The 1st Weston beach meet. Dune busting!
4 The 2nd Weston beach meet on the 17th of July 2004.

5 Very jerky hand held (Whilst driving!!!) video of a bit of off-roading nr Wrynose Pass nr Ambleside in the Lake District.
6 Taken at the Beaulieu 4x4 show 2004
7 A small movie of me playing!
8 Same as 7, but with sound effects!

9 Fireworks @ Bashley Park 2003
10 A bit of fording in North Yorkshire!
11 The view from the top of The old Dungeness Lighthouse!
12 Theme Park ride at the Flamingo Park.

13 The New Forest Show from the top of a crane! Music is part of an 'in' joke with some of the workers....! Can you guess the link?
14 This longer video was taken whilst on holiday in France. Warning this is over 11Mbs!
15 A movie of the my Triumph Tiger. Sounds great.
16 A bit of video taken on the first Pocuk Treasure Hunt 14-8-04

17 The Ashton Court Estate meet. A disaster strikes on the way home!..
18 This and the next 2 videos are the same. This one is mp4, and approx 7.8Mb! Simple Minds sound track...
19 As the last one but smaller... About 4.7Mbs.
20 The final version. Guns & Roses soundtrack and about 4.7Mbs

21 The Weston 3 (Anniversary) meet. Exactly a year since the very first meet!
22 Not my video this... Just though I'd put it here to show some extreme rock climbing 4x4!!!
23 Part of my holiday was a trip to the London Eye. Excellent trip.
24 Once again the NYMR (North Yorkshire Moors Railway). A Deltic arrives at Pickering station.

25 This is huge! 26+Mbs of Beaulieu MotorcycleWorld 2005 action. Mostly the parade laps on Sunday morning. Around 10 mins long! Download at your peril!
26 This video dates back to my holiday in the Scilly Isles in 2001. Knocked together with just 3 clips of video!
27 Jet powered Toyota MR2!
28 Temporary knocked up Weston 4 meet video. Until I can sort out the weird bits at the beginning! Encoding problem me thinks...

30 A short video of the Pajero & Delica line up on Sunday afternoon. 1.8Mbs and about 22secs long.
31 MITM video. Hope you can view it ok...
32 The Meet in the Middle. The Off-Road course video.

33 Amazing electrical arcing!
34 Max Biaggi nearly flips it!
35 Internet porn!
36 Awesome stunt-bike vid

37 Kyosho Mini z Monster
38 Kyosho Mini Monsters
39 The full Kyosho Mini z video - 24+Mbs!
40 MDOCUK Newbury Meet. Small 3.6Mbs

41 MDOCUK Newbury Meet. Large 16+Mbs!
42 Matchams 4x4 playday. 23-9-07. Caution 15+Mbs

45 Spot the hankerchief - Caution Contains nudity!
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