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Spry Hunter Topper

Kevlar Hotshot Conformation

Kevlar Hunter Hotshot
 Stacy McWilliams | Home > Past Litters/Puppies > The Sushi Litter   
The Sushi Litter
Date(s): 7/6/2020. 1 - 8 of 8 Total. Shared
1. Nori  (July 6, 2020)
Blue White Tan
will not badger

Will be available to perf or pet home depending on litter evaluations.
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2. Zeus  (July 6, 2020)
Black White Tan
Litter name: Unagi

Zeus will reside with Lydia and live in Va.  Looking forward to watching Zeus grow up and train for agility!
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3. Tofu 
Black White Tan

On Breeder Hold
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4. Mochi 
Black White & Tan Male

On Breeder Hold at this time, may come available.
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5. Wasabi  (July 6, 2020)
Wasabi has found a very loving home and we will continue to post his progress here!
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6. Gina 
Blue White Tan
Litter name: Maki

Gina will reside with Lou and Diana in DE! We are excited to support them and watch her grow up!
21 Visits
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7. Sashimi  (May 1, 2020)
Blue White & Tan
Will be available to perf or pet home depending on litter evaluations.
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<b>Tatami Room</b>
8. Tatami Room 
30 Visits
48 Images
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River Ridge Rat Terriers