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Spry Hunter Topper

Kevlar Hotshot Conformation

Kevlar Hunter Hotshot
 Stacy McWilliams | Home > Past Litters/Puppies > One Direction  
One Direction
Date(s): July 28, 2020. 1 - 5 of 5 Total. Shared
1. Zayne  (July 28, 2020)
GCH River Ridge's the Red Baron

Color: Red & White Sable
Pattern: Irish Marked
D.O.B: 7/28/20
Height: 14"
PLL: Clear
CDDY/CDPA/IVDD:Clear by parentage
Long Coat: Clear

Parent's Health Testing Information:
Dam: GCHS River Ridge New Direction (LV)
Click here to visit LV's OFA PAGE
Sire: Spring Hill Rowan's Raising a Ruckus (Rowan)
Click here to visit Rowan's OFA PAGE
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2. Sokka  (July 28, 2020)
White Tan Sable

CongRATS to the Painter family! This sweet boy will reside in VA and be training for agility!
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3. Wade  (July 28, 2020)
CH River Ridge It’s A Cinch BCat

CongRATS to the Jonik family. Wade will reside in PA and train for the show ring!
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4. Lewis  (July 28, 2020)
Lewis now resides in Grass Valley CA and be training for the show ring!
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<b> The stage</b>
5. The stage  (July 28, 2020)
Since LV blessed us with 5 boys on 7/28/20 we decided to name this litter them One Direction after the five boy band in Britain and playing off LV's name of New Direction ..
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River Ridge Rat Terriers