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The Racer
"This ride is fast and there's like 6 hills" --Jasamyn, 06/14/06
"I LOVE THE RACER!!!! It is fast, fun, and verbally violent in a very fun way." --Dave, 07/23/06
"The Racer is a fast ride that u can enjoy and u do actually race on there too." --kamille, 07/28/06
"the racers is fun and talking trash on the other riders that's on the racers is fun i like starting stuff who doesn't but i luv it." --Shakira, 07/28/06
"1 of my favs" --Sean, 02/19/07
"does anyone know where they switch???" --mary jo, 04/07/07
"OMG ONE OF MY FAV RIDES TO GO ON WITH GIRLS! (idk where they switch)!!" --mAtT, 05/08/07
"i honstly think that they should do away with the racers. i like the ride but it gets boring sometimes. they should put a face off type coaster in like at kings island to take its place." --steve, 06/13/07
"its all one whole track. thats why they switch." --steve, 06/13/07
"ATTENTION!!! They switch because there is a reverse curve---when you leave the station, the train on the left turns left and the train on the right turns right---if you are still confused, check out this (" --Bill, 06/13/07
"thats vary weird." --steve, 06/15/07
"ohhh la la" --Deklerk, 06/15/07
"i no why they switch steve...and NO WAY SHOULD THEY DO AWAY WITH THEM!!! THEY ROCK!!" --mary jo, 08/21/07
"its a reverse curve mary jo. insteaed of coming back on your side. the track goes on the other side when u come in the station. the racer is just one whole track. thats really cool. i dont think theres aanother racing coaster that does that. i think this is the only one left that does that mary jo. thats very unique." --steve, 08/21/07
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