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Entrance to Lost Kennywood
(Historical note: Pittsburgh lost its 'h' in 1894 as a result of harmonization of place names by the United States Board on Geographic Names, but the populace lobbied against the change and got the 'h' reinstated in 1911.)
"Lost Kennywood is my faveorite!!:)" --Hannah C., 03/18/07
"Lost Kennywood is the best place in Pennsylvainya!!!!!!!!!" --Ben!!!, 04/01/07
"haha it sounds like a play on words but has anyone but me ACTUALLY gotten lost in Lost Kennywood??" --mjmj, 04/07/07
"wait!! isn't it spelled 'pittsburgh'??" --mjmj, 04/07/07
"The G in Pittsburgh was left out for historical accuracy" --Kristin, 04/12/07
"this is a sweet place" --austin, 05/09/07
"I got lost here once..." --Jon, 05/09/07
"ohhh...thxx!!" --mjmj, 05/21/07
"just love the sign underneath the phantoms lift. kennywood is so beatiful." --steve, 06/14/07
"where is lost kennywood" --captain planet, 08/20/07
"right by the phantom, turtle and thunderbolt" --mary jo, 08/21/07
"lost kennywood is so fun." --martin, 10/14/07
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