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Aero 360
"this ride is the best ride" --chut, 05/16/06
"one of the best rides at KW" --benny, 05/28/06
"This was my first looping rides!!" --Shane, 03/06/07
"lv this ride!" --Sarah, 05/08/07
"As a bystander, you can make quite a few bucks offa this ride...When it flips, people with change in their pockets lose it...Lol" --Jon, 05/09/07
" know what?? thats not that bad of an idea...hmmm...thanks Jon!! lol" --mjmj, 05/21/07
"this is the best ride ever in Kennywood!!!!! luv upside down..!!!" --Jess, 06/12/07
"this ride waz of da chain. ya diggg!!!" --Deklerk, 06/15/07
"i can't wait to ride this!!!!!!!!" --maleena, 07/08/07
"this ride sucks because it is fun" --qwerty, 08/20/07
"BETTER THEN KING KUHUNA" --frank, 09/02/07
"I remember the 1st time i went on this ride i sat in pee i was so mad and i had to sit in it all day!!!" --Jenna Sylvester, 02/26/08
"i was so scared to go on this a few years ago but after i got on and it started i thought it was amazing! it is!!" --Lou, 03/21/08
"my mommy says never alk to strangers" --Captain planet, 06/29/08
"I think this ride is the same as king kahuna, still good ride though" --Machoman, 12/02/08
"i got mad love for this ride, especially when you ride it 11 times in a row :D" --tylahhh, 05/26/10
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