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"I had to do this all by myself. My dad was a wimp. I screamed like a little girl." --Shane, 03/06/07
"dont worry ur not alone i did it with my little bro he screamed like a girl too!" --Sarah, 05/08/07
"I like totally screamed like an older gentleman" --476g, 08/20/07
"My dad rode on this with one of his friends and he was gonna pass out when he got off and you could hear him everywhere u went he was so loud" --Jenna Sylvester, 02/26/08
"i have never been on this ride, but i will, you'll see, YOU'LL ALL SEE" --Captain planet, 06/29/08
"omg this looks super scary i hate hights..." --megan, 11/24/08
"I love heights, i've been skydiving" --Machoman, 12/02/08
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