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"What is a duck doing on this site!!!" --Hannah, 05/11/06
"im sorry but the duck is so cute and soupy" --haley, 05/16/06
"uhm...soupy?!?" --mary jo, 04/09/07
"aaww" --Sarah, 05/08/07
"Rawr! Fear the Ducks!" --Jon, 05/09/07
"i love the little ducks" --Megan Wierzchowski, 07/10/07
"the ducks are scary :-)" --timmytimtimtim, 08/20/07
"my friends made a song about the ducks" --Captain planet, 06/29/08
"Captain planet is always the last person, does no one want to talk to him" --Machoman, 12/02/08
"i love ducks....myy fave...animal..." --buttfart29, 02/25/09
"Why ducks!" --gwen, 08/10/10
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