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Water Wheel
"uhm...thats random!!" --mary jo, 04/07/07
"I AGREE WITH MARY JO!!!" --mAtT, 05/08/07
"where is that" --captain planet, 08/23/07
"By the pavilions behind the Old Mill" --Bill, 08/25/07
"the old mill should be brought back,garfields nightmare is stupid." --bob, 12/17/07
"your right bob" --mr kennywood, 04/03/08
"no its Not Well To Teach You A Lesseon SHUT UP Or Else I Shall Get Rid Of The Coasters" --Nicky, 12/14/08
"that is the oold water wheel but now they have a new OMG I JUST SAW THE KENNYWOOD COMMERICAL FOR THE 2009 SEASON" --cody, 04/14/09
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