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"It would be nice if real gas was that price!!" --Bill, 03/10/07
"haha" --mary jo, 04/07/07
"I agree with Bill, with gas at $3.00 a gallon." --Toya, 04/30/07
"Dude that would be so kick ass" --Awsome-O, 05/04/07
"i sooo wish gas was like that!!!" --fun lver, 05/08/07
"were is my gas" --austin, 05/09/07
"fun fun fun. KENNYWOODS TO FUN. JUST LOVE THIS PLACE. JUST LOVE IT." --steve, 06/19/07
"are u kidin me steve. fun fun fun. yeah right. kennywood is not all that fun. it gets boring very quick." --kelly, 09/04/07
"haaaaaaa. i like that comment jay fill. kelly is so stupd for saying that. KENNYWOOD IS FUN AS HELL." --mr kennywood, 04/03/08
"I heard that they are putting turnpike bake.Where the old mill is." --gwen, 08/11/10
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