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"jungle boogie......get down with it." --Aaron Mazur, 05/03/06
"I love the pittsburgh plunge and you get more wet standing were this picture was taken then on the ride!!!!" --Dante, 05/16/06
"THIS IS AN AWESOME RIDE" --sexy babi, 07/02/06
"haha...sooo true" --mary jo, 04/09/07
"o so now we care about that well you know what i think its a beutiful picture" --captain planet, 08/20/07
"haha me n my cuzin kept takin pics of that n it was sweet" --mary jo, 08/21/07
"Best spot 2 cool down on a hot day." --JDOG, 02/12/09
"One time i rode 5 times in a row. it. ps sit in the front row." --gwen, 08/10/10
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