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Garfield and Friend
"hey.. thats me in the pic!! garfield's "friend". would you mind sending the pic to my email so i can have a copy? thanks.." --Carmela, 03/19/06
"Wow if thats u u are pretty fucking ugly." --??, 05/03/06
"awe she aint ugly she is pretty you cant always look hot at work dealing with alot of bratty kids" --yo momma, 05/10/06
"Rollin' 2 deep, and Carmela is looking beautiful as always." --Chief, 01/29/07
"wow it is true guys are reallllly harsh!" --Sarah, 05/08/07
"what is up g man" --austin, 05/09/07
"what up gangsta. what up blood. what. what up blood. what. what up blood. what. what up gangsta." --steve, 06/25/07
"garfield is my favorite childhood superhero" --mitch, 08/20/07
"You need to pick your friends a little better Carmela. Whatever happened to Kenny Kangaroo? Kennywood SUCKS!!!!!" --Mark, 10/19/07
"WHAT HAPPEND TO U KNOW WHO????" --the biggest steel phantom fan, 01/31/08
"My brother loves this ride everytime we get there he wants to ride it all the time!! I THINKS IT IS GAY!!" --Jenna Sylvester, 02/26/08
"Old mill was better then garfeilds nightmare" --Captain planet, 06/29/08
"Is it me or does garfield always look like he's drugged out" --Machoman, 12/02/08
"Carmela Stulga is the most gorgeous girl iv ever seen!! i wonder how shes doing??" --Nate, 01/07/10
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