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SCS Day 2004
The second annual SCS Day - Celebrating Incredible Diversity.
Official SCS Day website
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Feel free to leave a comment either on individual images (click Add Comment when viewing the image enlarged). I'm afraid I had to close the gallery guestbook because it was being hit by spambots. Thanks to Mor Harchol-Balter, Deborah Cavlovich, Lorrie Cranor, David Maltz, David Murray, etc. for helping out with names. Last year's First Annual SCS Day is also online.
Date(s): 31 January 2004. Album by Ralf Brown. Photos by Ralf Brown. 25 - 48 of 96 Total. 21204 Visits.
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The Crouching Monkey

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Another Look at the Crouching Monkey

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Origami Workshop
Cecily Heiner gives a participant some pointers.

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Putting Things Together

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And the Final Step Is...

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Playing Taiko no Tatsujin
Based on traditional Japanese drumming, you get points for hitting the drum at the right time.

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I Got It!

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Dance Dance Revolution

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More Dance Dance Revolution

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Let Your Creativity Loose

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Highest Tower Wins!
"kid on the right is Julian..."
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Chess Tournament Winner
Ryan Milisits (undefeated in this tournament, which should come as no surprise to anyone who knows that he is ranked #8 in the US among players under 18).

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Chess Runner Up
Bob Milisits, Ryan's dad and a chess teacher (so that's where Ryan gets his talent!).  Won all of his matches except the one against Ryan in this tournament.

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The Youngest Chess Player
Danny Balter (6), won two of four games.

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Everyone's a Winner Today

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Some Refreshments Before the Talent Show/Recognition Awards

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Sound Check

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Video Check

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Cue the Introduction
Ramya and Agata present our MC for the night:

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MC Jim
Dean of SCS James Morris

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First Act of the Night: David Murray
Singing "Il Traditor Deluso"

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Accompanied by Ghadi Shayban

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Second Act: Human Pretzel
After showing people how to fold paper in the Origami Workshop, Cecily proceeds to fold herself.

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Latika Kirtane (vocal), Jahanzeb Sherwani, and Dwight Bussman

 Continued ...
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