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1. Boomer  (Pullman, WA)
Boomer is a 20 pound Rat Terrier fostered in Pullman,  WA. He's super friendly, housebroken, and very active and friendly! He does pull a bit while walking and can chew items he's not supposed to when he doesn't get enough excercise, but he is a clever and young dog and learns quickly! With a bit of training and love, Boomer will be an excellent companion for an active family or individual. He would be good with gentle and respectful children, but has a high prey drive and would probably not do well in a home with cats. For more information, look for his bio on newrattitude.org
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Pan American Airways - Flying Boats
2. Pan American Airways - Flying Boats 
Pan American Airways is well known for their flying boats which gave them access to many areas of Latin America prior to airports being established. Some of the later aircraft also started flying to Europe and the far East. There are many great postcards in this section. I'm listing the cards in the order they were put into service by Pan American Airways.
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3. Carter  (Alexandria, VA)
Carter is a shy, 10 pound, 2 year old rat terrier ready to find a quiet, loving home after living under socialized for his whole life. He's learning to trust now and will continue to blossom in the right home. To apply to adopt visit www.newrattitude.org/adopt
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Christmas!GRCH Trooper/CH Porche 2009
4. Christmas!GRCH Trooper/CH Porche 2009  (December 11, 2009)

All puppies have found their forever homes.

Oh boy, aren't we grateful, another small litter and a beautiful one at that!!

Two beautiful puppies born December 11, 2009, sometime in the late afternoon, no clue what time. I ran some errands and when I got home - badda bing, Porsche had delivered her two babies, all by herself,
easy as pie.

Sire: GRCH 'PR' Sands' Of Time at Wild Oak "Trooper"
OFA patellas RAT-PA693/12M/P-P1
Cardiac physician certified normal
Primary Lens Luxation - Clear

Dam: CH Bogart Porche Perfecta WildOak, CD
OFA patellas on OFA website, normal
Cardiac physician certified

Nicklaus, male, black tri, SOLD to The Reitinger Family, San Jose
Noel, female, blue tri - SOLD to The Burke family,
           very happy owners  of "Ruby" from the
           Gabby/Viggo 2008 litter.

Really cute puppies, pretty little scrunched in faces, very nice color and markings.
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5. Bear 
Bear is a sweet 10 lb rattie mix
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6. DURACELL   (1 JAN -16 JAN 2025)
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7. Taffy 
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Morton Var Girls B-Ball vs Washington
8. Morton Var Girls B-Ball vs Washington  (February 11, 2025)
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9. Cooper  (Piney River, VA)
Cooper is a 2 year old mini-rat terrier who is funny and smart. He is particular about who he trusts but once he does, he's your best friend. Cooper weighs around 7 lbs.
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UFC Action Figures McFarlane Toys 2025
10. UFC Action Figures McFarlane Toys 2025  (January 2025)
Here is the newest addition to our Store.
UFC Action Figures by McFarlane Toys 2025.
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American Ninja Movie Fleetwood 1985 Toys
11. American Ninja Movie Fleetwood 1985 Toys  (January 2025)
Here is the newest addition to our Store.
American Ninja Movie starring Michael Dudikoff
Fleetwood Toys 1985
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Super Mario Bros. Ertl Toys 1993 Figures
12. Super Mario Bros. Ertl Toys 1993 Figures  (January 2025)
Here is our newest addition to our Store.
Super Mario Bros. Movie by Ertl Toys 1993
Action Figures
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Inspector Gadget Tiger Toys 1992
13. Inspector Gadget Tiger Toys 1992   (January 2025)
Here is the newest addition to our Store.
Inspector Gadget by Tiger Electronic Toys
Action Figures 1992.
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Resident Evil Capcom Toy Biz 1998 Toys
14. Resident Evil Capcom Toy Biz 1998 Toys  (January 2025)
Here is our newest addition to our Store.
Resident Evil by Capcom Toy Biz 1998
Action Figures
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Demolition Man Movie Mattel 1993 Toys
15. Demolition Man Movie Mattel 1993 Toys  (January 2025)
Here is our latest addition to our Store.
Demolition Man Movie Mattel 1993 Action
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