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Blowfly Grass
Briza maxima:
Origin Mediterranean region.
Slender, erect and hairless annual (living only one growth cycle) grass. It has few leaf blades and stands erect.
The leaves are generally paler green in colour than other common grasses and have a noticeable twist. These features are useful for distinguishing Briza as a seedling before the seed heads form.
The seed head/fruit (inflorescence) consists of up to 10 spikelets (resembling blowflys) on very fine stems (pedicels). Spikelets are oval in shape and can be up to 10 - 20 mm in length. Spikelets consist of overlapping layers and a seed is held within each layer. Fruit may be pale green to cream/pale brown depending on maturity.
A node or knee-like structure is present on each stem of mature plants indicating that this is a grass.
All Images are Copyright ©gladysclancy
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