Louie is a handsome 1 year old Rat Terrier mix puppy that weighs 15 Lbs. He is full of energy and loves to play. For adoption info or an application, please visit the New Rattitude Website.
Date(s): Stafford, Va.. Album by Frank Bennett. Photos by Frank Bennett. 1 - 15 of 15 Total. 3384 Visits.
1 Here I am being a handsome guy!
2 Hmmmm...what to do today
3 I see you have my favorite toy....hmmmm
4 Do I want to go get it?
5 Maybe not yet.
6 Are you taking my picture dad?
7 Running and playing in the back yard. Time to go get the toy
9 Haha....I have the toy now. Catch me if you can.
10 Come on....come and get the toy if you dare
11 I am almost there.....gotta hurry
12 I am at the safe zone. I am the conquerer.....I STILL HAVE THE TOY!
13 Nom nom nom....such a good toy
14 Me sharing some snuggle time with one of my boys