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~Deep Woods~
This collection of beads remind me of long walks in the deep woods, in the very early spring. We used to spend HOURS playing in the woods surrounding our home...warm brown bark of the trees...the blue sky peeking thru the branches in the canopy...the heady scent of leaves stuck in our hair from laying on the ground as we dreamt of fairies.
These glass art lampwork beads were made with rich browns & creamy marzipan glass. There is also a touch of raku to mimic the blue sky and the begining of life in the spring. They measure from 15-24mm in size and there are 2 bicone shaped beads...the rest are round and donut shapes.
$91.00 for Set
Copyright owned by Brea Moser
Photo 275 of 276, BEADS-deep woods1.jpg, 53KB, 800x626, 149 Hits
Other Sizes: Large
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