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Defective House
These are pictures of our house. This house was built in 1998 by Dennis Godshall of Harleysville, PA. The house was not quite 7 years old when these were taken. We started to suspect we had a problem because the rooms inside developed a musty smell - we traced the smell to around the electrical outlets, so we knew it was something inside the walls. We could not see any leaks, but a moisture meter did detect moisture in the walls at multiple spots. You can see that due to multiple construction defects (including defective stucco, incorrect window installation, and improper grading), the house was literally rotting to pieces beneath an exterior that appeared to be fine. Not even our contractor expected the damage to be as extensive as what they found.

This photo album will document the before, during, and after pictures of the repair process. Note that we start the story with lots of background - if you're just after the gory details, skip to picture 15. You can page through the pictures using the "Next" or "Show All" links on the left side below this message.

Please feel free to sign the guestbook or add comments to the pictures. If you'd like to email me privately, you may do so at defectivehouse@comcast.net
Date(s): September 30, 2005. 31 - 60 of 410 Total. 15652 Visits.
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Rim Joist From Basement
This is a random shot of the rim joist taken from the basement. This was covered by batt insulation, which we pulled down. You can see some staining and mildew. This is not in one of the corners that is the most rotten - actually, this is near the front porch on a side of the house we haven't even started yet. Joy.

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Typical Window Installation
Here is a shot showing you how the windows were "flashed" with 30lb felt. The top trim board on this window was all rotten - it's no wonder. All of the water that was absorbed by the stucco just dumped right down into it. Where's the j-bead/plaster stop? Where's the head flashing? Again, a couple cents worth of metal could have prevented this disaster...

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Or could it?
All this rot can't be pinned only on the windows, though. On all the walls we opened up, there is more rot at the corners of the wall than there is under the windows. Why? Well, maybe all these cracks have something to do with it. We caulked these cracks in June, just to keep the water out while we waited for our contractor to come. Until then, they had been wide open. (Remember, our home inspector said the cracks were superficial and nothing to worry about...)

A construction defects engineer (Hi Glenn!) told us that even a very minute crack can suck in amazing amounts of water. And we had LOTS of cracks...especially in the corners. See?

"Wet, swollen OSB will cause more stucco cracks, worse..."
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More cracks
This is the kind of cracking evident in all the corners. This isn't even in one of the "smelly" rooms. Hopefully, because this is the southwest exposure, the sun will have helped to dry things out and it won't be as rotten as the others.

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One more crack shot
This is the window next to the corner in the last 2 pictures. Again, note the astonishing number of cracks. Perhaps the cement in the stucco was mixed or applied wrong, or not given long enough to cure? Note that there are no expansion joints to allow for stucco movement, so some cracking was inevitable. There's no weep screed either - so no way for water to drain once it gets trapped back there.

On a happier note, the window at the bottom is level with the foundation and those vents are coming through the rim joist. Finally, a spot with proper grading. Let's hope this rim joist is in slightly better shape!

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Monday 10/3/05 - A New Week Begins...
And lots is happening. We've repaired some of the worst rot (rim joists, corner studs). We've removed wet/damaged insulation. And we've wiped down the studs with bleach and cleaner to kill the mold.

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Laundry Room Window Repairs
On the left side of the porch, things are looking better. Thanks to Dave, Ken, Ray and their trusty sawzalls, we have new corner studs, rim joists, and sills in the original rotten corner from picture # 16.

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Another view of our new corner...
All that and only one nail pop inside. Thank goodness for 2x6 studs.

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Dining Room Window Studs
Here's the window from pictures 23 & 24. These are the studs after scrubbing them with bleach. The studs around the window will be replaced. We had to order 2 new window frames from Andersen today (at a cost of $550!) because this one and the one around the corner (yet to be revealed in an upcoming picture) are too far gone to save.

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Northeast Corner
The new wood is on the left, in case you couldn't tell (ha ha). We will be replacing the other one tomorrow.

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Behind the 2nd story ribbon board ...
...lies a whole bunch of nasty subfloor. (See picture 25 for the "Before" picture.) This would be a royal pain to get out of there, and it seems more or less structurally ok, so we're gonna hit it with the bleach bucket and carry on our merry way.

Oh, and the subfloor is the first sign of plywood we've seen so far. It didn't fare any better than the OSB. Hey, never let it be said that we aren't equal opportunity rotters around here.

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Moving around the corner...
...to the front of the house, we have more rotten sheathing. And, as an extra bonus, more rotten studs. And 2 rotten rim joists...and a rotten window frame...

This photo album is going to get real repetitive, real fast.

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First floor front corner window
Note the spongified trim. This can't be good....
"No flshing above the trim or window."
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...And it isn't....
Doesn't look any better than the side window.

I'm sensing a theorem here:
Spongy trim = No studs + rotten frame = $$$$$

"Wood trim should be considered "sacrificial"..."
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Front corner rim joist
Looks...well...the same as the other rim joist around the corner. Rotten.

Oh, and it's buried but good in the dirt too.

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Under the front window
I had to crawl behind the bushes like some sort of nature photographer to get this shot. Note - the OSB immediately under the window is in perfect shape. The rest of it is disintegrated. What that means? I have no idea.
"No moisture barrier under the bottom nail fin nor a s..."
"The less rotted OSB can be due to extra drying from m..."
"There was, acutally, a moisture barrier--but it was i..."
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Rake Wall Mystery - Another clue?
Remember the mysterious line of rot behind the scaffolding. Well, behind the line of rot was....
"Could it be the tarpaper had holes in it due to the B..."
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Our first bit of moldy drywall
Now...immediately on the other side of this wall is the tile master bedroom shower. Note that they tiled over regular drywall - this is not green board or cement board. The tile covers the floor, walls, and ceiling of the shower and appears to be in fine shape. Note that the mold is only at the top (ceiling of the shower) and works its way down the wall a little bit.

Any ideas where this water is coming from? The OSB here was too far gone to tell whether the rot came from the inside or the outside, but I have to wonder if the shower doesn't have something to do with this, since it's the only moldy drywall we've found so far. Could water be escaping through the tile into the drywall (and then all the way out through the insulation and OSB)? Or did the moisture that entered the wall cavity from the outside simly condense more on the tile wall (perhaps because it because it couldn't dry to the inside due to the tile?) Anybody want to venture a guess?

"Tiles are a vapor barrier. Wet stucco will try to dry..."
"Grout lines are permeable. So is mortar bed or thin s..."
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Cross Section of the Stucco
I thought I'd post some pictures of the stucco. This is the stucco in the front NE corner of the house, under the dining room window. I don't see 3 distinct coats. There is 15 lb felt and wire lath. The stucco is about 1/2" thick, as you can see by the ruler. Shouldn't it be thicker?

(UPDATE - Spring 2009 - I have since learned that according to the building code that was in effect when the house was built (CABO), 3-coat stucco must be a minimum of 3/4" thick. Oops.)

"Not according to the onecoat er reports!! If the use..."
"Actually, this photo does not show stucco 1/2-inch th..."
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Another view of the same section of stucco
You can sort of see the layers here, I guess....

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Another stucco cross section
This is a cross section of the stucco on the wall next to the outside shower. Again, looks kind of thin to me, but I am no stucco expert.

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It's Wednesday, 10/5, and we're making progress
It's supposed to pour later this week, so the contractors are trying to get stuff weatherproofed beforehand. Here we've got new sheathing up on the rake wall peak and on the family room east wall. Those 2 holes up there are going to vent the master bathroom fans - they were randomly shoved into the soffit at the right side of this picture. Now they'll have proper vents.

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Sheathing near laundry room window
This is the original corner that began this photo album. Notice the attractive patchwork quilt effect. It just adds to the historic look of the house, right? (And that musty smell? hey, might as well have the old-house smell to go along with the old-house look!)

Here we left the bottom part of the wall open for a bit longer, to dry out the rim joist. We'll be putting pressure treated plywood back on the bottom 2 feet all the way around the house.

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By the end of the day
We had felt paper on the peak.

It's all good....

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Family Room West Wall
They did tear off the family room west wall today. It was discolored, but not rotten.

Looks like our theory is going to hold - where the sun exposure is better, the damage will be less. We hope.

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Family Room West Wall Closeup
You can see the discoloration here. Inside the house, directly below that light fixture is an electrical outlet that really smells musty. I'm a little worried because there doesn't appear to be that much damage to the sheathing, so where is the odor coming from? They'll be pulling the bottom couple feet of sheathing to replace it with PT plywood, so we'll get to check out the rim joist - maybe there's problems inside that aren't apparent from here.
"it went up wet"
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Since there's not too much new...
to show you, I thought I'd post some random pictures for your perusal. Remember the bit about the stucco thickness yesterday? Well up at the top of this wall (where the good sheathing is) the stucco is at least 1/4" thicker than lower down the wall (where the rot is). Coincidence?

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Closeup of Thicker Stucco
Don't know if you can really tell from the picture, but from the ground, you can look up and see that it is much thicker at the top, and slopes in getting thinner as it goes down toward the rotten wood.
"I would be willing to be the paper had holes in it du..."
"Thicker stucco may be only one part of the equation. ..."
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More cracks
This is the front NE corner. Note the amount of cracking above the rot. I really do think that the water was coming in the cracks and just couldn't find its way back out.

I don't think I mentioned yet that this stucco was painted when the house was built. The building specs say "vinyl paint" but the builder told me it was regular latex paint. At any rate, people in the know have told me that painting stucco does not allow it to breathe, so water that comes in can't evaporate back out.

"Between the top trim by the soffit and the stucco. If..."
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More cracks
This is the front NE corner wall. I'd be willing to bet all the sheathing underneath this will be a wreck. We'll find out soon enough....

Don't stop now - there's lots more if you just click the "Next 30" button below.

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Are there specific regulations for pediatric medicines in the UK fildena 25?
Gertalf | https://www.ticketleap.events/tickets/vidalista-80-yellow, Sat, 8 Jun 2024 9:34PM
Man, we might be on the same house journey
Catrina Mcclain, Mon, 11 Oct 2021 9:51PM
Wondering if you had air quality tests done to determine if there was mold issues ?
Vanessa, Wed, 8 Apr 2020 2:34PM
A heartbreaking but at the same time inspiring story. We are facing a similar situation with a property we purchased and it gives us strength to hear a story like yours.
Simon, Wed, 3 Jan 2018 4:18PM
Checked your website because of the musty,moldy smells that developed in your house.  We had some rain damage in our house recently as we were awaiting the installation of a metal roof.  The damaged interior of the house, ceilings, were repaired with new drywall, removal of water damaged cellulose in the attic, etc.  It's only been a week since the repairs have been done, and we smell a musty odor in the areas that were repaired.  We have a feeling that the studs and drywall on the walls were rain damaged also and have not dried out.  Thanks for the eye-opening photos and comments.  Please leave the website up for future viewers seeking answers to musty smells in their homes.
Bob and Molly King, Wed, 2 Aug 2017 6:45AM
Speechless at how much you went through. But I guess there is no other way. About to buy a house with front stucco (just the front wall under the porch and the second level dormans wall). Bottom part is separating but otherwise looks OK. The too part around the dorman  windows are rotting. Unsure what to do. I'm so scared of getting something like yours. The house has been this way for 17-18 years without any significant problem at all. Here to hoping it will be OK.
Lana Ngoc Phan, Wed, 28 Dec 2016 12:41AM
Amazing journey. I am glad you survived this. Thank you for naming names, and I hope that saves other people all the grief you experienced. It was very kind of you not to sue the original owner and I hope you benefit from that good karma. Your house looks amazing now.
Lisa, Sun, 27 Jul 2014 7:53AM
Great information.  I have been searching musty smells and came across your site.  We have owned our house for 10 years.  It's approximately 20-25 years old. We bought from orginal owners.  No stucco. We did not ask for an inspection (bad on our part).  While waiting for our closing, it had rained alot.  My husband had called the previous owners and spoke with the man and asked how wet the property was.  The man was right down rude to my husband on the phone.  That should have been a hint something was wrong.  He even suggested to my husband to cancel the loan.  We should have done that.  But we didn't. The day we got the keys to our house, we were checking things out and found the cabinet under the kitchen sink was rotten.  We called and asked them about it and he said they didn't think it was any big deal.  Really!  We had water standing in our crawl space so we hired the Basement Doctor and spent $10,000.  We spent another $10,000 trying to fix the natural springs on the hillside.  A couple of years ago, we could smell a musty smell in one of our closets, we had a repairman take the siding off the back side of the house and it was all rotten.  I can't stand the musty smell.  I don't know if putting a sani-dry system in our crawl space will help or not.  I am sure it's too late for me to sue the previous owners.  Where do I start?
Sherri, Tue, 22 Jul 2014 11:19AM
I was looking around for a way to stop that yucky musty/moldy smell from our small leak under the kitchen sink (where we knew there had been other, previous-owner leaks too from water stains on the foundation wall foundation in the crawl space), and found this site. Amazing. I did learn a lot. What an ordeal. I'm sorry you had to go through it. My parents went through their own ordeal in OK where that builder did not properly put pilings into the clay soil there, so their garage is separating from the rest of the house, and again, no luck from that lawsuit for negligence either, and insurance offer so low it was laughable. Builder went out of business, but I'm sure he's at it again, by now. It's been a few years.
Amy, Sat, 12 Jul 2014 9:06PM
I wanted to cry for you. Dennis Godshall is a piece of ****.  I hope karma never ever lets him rest. I hope he gets his times 100.  This wasn't just negligence.  This was willful negligence.  And he says he's an architect from Temple???  Good God Temple must put out some stupid people if they gave this evil incompetent a degree.
lynne, Sat, 28 Jun 2014 1:44PM
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