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1/13/06 - Friday the 13th....
How's this for progress...the day after my last update, they swapped out my ginormous dumpster (shown here on the back of the truck) for this teeny tiny baby one. I guess this means Dave is just about done throwing out pieces of my house. Yippee! There's so much more parking room in the driveway all the sudden!

Just for reference, the wreckage of our house completely filled TWO of those huge dumpsters, plus we threw a lot of stuff out in our regular trash cans too. Kind of amazing when you think about it.
Panasonic DMC-FZ1 Full EXIF / IPTC
Photo 260 of 410, sm_SwitchingDumpsters.jpg, 61KB, 640x480, 309 Hits
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