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Rake Wall - Where's the kickout flashing?
This is the wall immediately to the left around the corner of the wall you just saw. This wall is a rake wall - it has the gable of the adjoining family room addition meeting it. Where the roofline meets the wall, there is supposed to be a kickout flashing that diverts the water coming down that joint out and away from the wall - we had none. Therefore, all the water running off the roof where it was flashed into the wall was channeled behind the stucco. Behind the plywood are some lovely gaping holes, so what you are seeing is actually the GOOD part of this wall.
Panasonic DMC-FZ1 Full EXIF / IPTC
Photo 18 of 410, sm_RakeWallRot.jpg, 71KB, 480x640, 235 Hits
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