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Speaking of lying....
Here's John's business card (if you're in the Philly area and you need copperwork done, now you know who NOT to hire!). Note how he claims to be a member of the Copper Development Association and the National Roofing Contractors Association? After he ran off with half my money, I made a few phone calls - neither organization has him listed as a member.

How, you might wonder, did I end up with such a nutjob? I wish I knew. I thought I did my homework - he came highly recommended and I called and spoke to several of his references - all were glowing. I think he just had a huge ego and took great offense to the fact that I was questioning the quality of his work. Never in a million years would I have guessed that he would storm off the job with a temper tantrum worthy of my 18-month-old. I guess it just goes to show that you never know.

And this whole experience just makes me extra super thankful for Dave - if it weren't for him, I'd have been off the deep end long ago.
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Photo 205 of 410, sm_JohnsBusinessCard.jpg, 49KB, 640x480, 420 Hits
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